Horse ID Screen

Once you search for and find your horse you will be brought to the Horse ID Screen

On the Horse ID Screen there are a number of activities you can perform. 


The button that appear on the Horse ID Screen are as follows: 


Add/Edit Notes: you can use this button to add additional notes related to this horse and edit previously created notes. To Edit or delete a previously created note; swipe across the note you want to edit and select the red trashcan button to delete the note (the note will then appear with a strike through line and the user, date and time it was deleted) or select the blue pencil button to edit your note (the note will appear with the user, date and time that the note was edited). 


Treatments for this Horse: You can use this button to see this horses treatment record, add a new drug or add a previous, backdated treatment. You will Also see any scheduled treatments for this horse on this screen. 


Procedures: You can use this button to select a procedure to either record or schedule. You will also see any scheduled procedures for this horse. 


Weights for this Horse: You can use this button to record weights, monitor weight through a graph or list and to email weight list for this horse. 


Documents for this Horse: You can use this button to view all documents for this horse and to also add and save any documentation for this horse. 


Coggins: You can use this button to view when your latest Coggins test was recorded and see when your next test is due. You can also record your Coggins result on this screen, add notes related to this test and also upload the Coggins file to be saved and stored for this horse. 


See All Scans for this Horse: You can use this button to see all scanned locations for this horse. Anytime a horse is scanned, the scanned location along with a GPS satellite image of the location is shown here. You can also choose to send all scans by email. 


Email Notes for this Horse: You can use this button to email notes for this horse. You can choose to email notes for today, yesterday, the last 7 days or all notes. 


Change Competition Rules: You can use this button to change the competition rules for this horse. If you select to change the competition rules here, the rules will change for this individual horse but not change for the whole farm. 


Edit Details: You can use this button to change the details of this horse. You can update all of the details except for the horses primary microchip number. The primary chip number cannot be changed but can add a second or third microchip number if necessary. 


Off Property / Sold / Deceased: You can use this button to marked a horse off property, sold or deceased.