Step 1
In order to Add a Vaccine, you must select ‘See More’ on the horses profile.
Step 2
You will be brought to your horse’s profile when selecting See More.
Here you may add your horse's vaccine by selecting add vaccine.
Step 3
You will then be brought to the upload proof of health status for your horses page.
Here you must select a document to upload and tick vaccine as the proof you will be uploading.
You must also select if the vaccine was administered by a veterinarian or self-administered, (if you choose self-administered you must input the serial number, vaccine name and Vaccine Expiration date)
A green banner will appear when you upload your proof.
Step 4
You must also upload the documentation to support your vaccination validity so your horse's health status can be verified.
Then select save and upload. Your horses vaccination status will then view as pending.