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Getting started with your Microchip Scanner
Getting started with your Microchip Scanner

Find out where to purchase a GPR+ Microchip scanner, how to connect your phone to a scanner to use with the EquiTrace app and how to use it.

Written by Lorna Moore
Updated over 2 months ago

Find out where to purchase a GPR+ Microchip scanner, how to connect your phone to a scanner to use with the EquiTrace app and how to use it.

Connecting to a Scanner

You have decided to use EquiTrace with a scanner and now want to connect to your phone. The GPR+ scanners work with both iOS iPhones and Android Phones.

Have a look below at the different features which your GPR+ scanner has:

Merck GPR+ Microchip Scanner

Connecting an iPhone to a GPR+ Scanner:

To connect your iOS iPhone to your scanner you can follow these steps:

  1. With the scanner OFF press and hold the button on the GPR+ scanner.

  2. You will see Reset Bluetooth Pairing? on the screen. Keep holding the button while the scanner counts down.

  3. Hold until it says Pairing Reset.

  4. Go to settings on your phone.

  5. Go to Bluetooth.

  6. Scroll down to other devices (the scanner must be on when you are doing this).

  7. You will see GPR+… select this.

  8. If it asks for a PIN enter 1234 then select Pair from the top right of the screen.

  9. Now go to the EquiTrace App.

  10. On the Home page you should see a green bar saying Connected.

  11. To connect to another device leave the scanner to power OFF (don’t use for 90 seconds) then repeat the steps above.

Connecting an Android Phone to a GPR+ Scanner:

To connect your Android Phone to your scanner you can follow these steps:

Switch the scanner on by pressing the button BRIEFLY once.

  1. The scanner screen will say Ready and the Bluetooth symbol will be flashing without a letter M next to it (if there is an M go to the instructions for scanner previously connected to an iPhone or iPad). The M stands for master mode, the symbol can look more like an H due to the display.

  2. Go to settings on your phone.

  3. Go to Bluetooth, this can sometimes be found under Connections.

  4. Press on Bluetooth.

  5. Make sure the scanner is turned on and look for it under Available devices.

  6. You will see GPR+… select this.

  7. If it asks for a PIN enter 1234 then select Pair from the top right of the screen.

  8. Now go to the EquiTrace App.

  9. You should see a menu with Select a device. Select the scanner you just paired.

  10. You should now see a green bar on the home page that says Connected.

Connecting an Android phone to a GPR+ Scanner after it has been Connected to an iPhone or iPad:

To connect your Android Phone to your scanner after it has been connected with an iPhone or iPad you can follow these steps:

  1. Start with the scanner OFF. Press and hold the button on the GPR+ scanner.

  2. You will see Reset Bluetooth Pairing? on the screen. Keep holding the button while the scanner counts down.

  3. Hold until it says Pairing Reset.

  4. Then follow the normal steps as described on the previous page.

Check your Connection:

You can check to see if your device is connected to your scanner by going to the EquiTrace App Home Screen and looking at the green bar.

If it says Connected you are good to go!

Can I purchase a GPR+ Microchip Scanner from EquiTrace?

You can purchase a GPR+ Microchip Scanner on the EquiTrace website

You can purchase a GPR+ Scanner from EquiTrace.

How can I purchase a scanner?

You can order them from the EquiTrace website

Alternatively, contact our team directly at [email protected] with the quantity you would like, your contact details, billing and shipping address and we will get your order shipped.

Adding a Secondary Microchip

How do I add a second Microchip?

If your horse has more than one microchip you can add a second microchip by following the steps as followed;
On your EquiTrace app Home Screen, select Find Horse. Here you must select the horse you wish to add a second microchip to. Once you have clicked on your selected horse. You will be brought to the horse's profile. Scroll down and select ‘Edit Details’. At the bottom of the edit details screen you will be able to add a ‘Second Microchip’ by clicking on the empty box beside the Second Microchip field and entering it manually or scanning the horse's microchip. Once you have done this, select ‘Save and Continue’. A popup will appear saying ‘Edit Details’ Details updated. You will select OK. Your horse's second microchip has now been saved.

My Scanner won’t connect to EquiTrace

If your scanner won’t connect it may be because of some of the reasons below.

Is your Bluetooth on your phone turned on?

On your phone, you must go to settings. Here you must turn on your phone’s Bluetooth.

Is your scanner connected in your phone settings to your phone’s Bluetooth?

When you have your Bluetooth turned on you must then connect your scanner to your phone in your Bluetooth settings. Select your scanner in ‘My Devices’. Once your scanner is successfully connected it will appear as ‘Connected’ on the right-hand side of the name of the device.

Is your scanner connected to another device? This is know as slave and master mode and you will need to let the scanner power down and reset

If your scanner is connected to another device allow your scanner to power off. Once powered off you must then press and hold down the central button on the scanner. After it powers back up again and flashes ‘Welcome’ you must continue to hold down the button. Here it will say ‘ Reset Bluetooth pairing’ 5..4..3..2..1 and then say ‘Bluetooth Reset’. The scanner is then ready to pair to your device. You must go to your settings, turn on your Bluetooth, find the scanner and connect to the scanner.

Is your scanner connected to the app?

Once your phone is connected to the microchip scanner via Bluetooth in settings you must then open the EquiTrace app and ensure the app is connected to the scanner also. On the home screen beneath the farm name, it will say ‘Trying to Connect’ This means your scanner is not connected to the app. If it says ‘Connected’ your EquiTrace app is connected to your scanner, and you may proceed to scan your animal.

Is your app open when scanning your horses?

In order to pull data from the scan you must scan with your microchip scanner connected to your phone via Bluetooth and connected to your EquiTrace. You must also ensure that you have your EquiTrace App open on the home screen when scanning. If you do not do this, you will not pull your temperature data.

Is your scanner charged?

Before using your scanner ensure it is fully charged. On the top left-hand side of the scanner screen there is a battery icon. Here it will show you how much charge the scanner has remaining. 3 Bars is fully charged and 1 bar is low battery/needs to be charged. Connect the charger to the bottom of the scanner. There is a black nodule where you must remove and place the charge. Then connect the other end to the plug and plug into a socket.

If you are having temperature/reading issues please contact Merck.

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