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EquiTrace Account Farm Divisions
What are DivisionsDivisions are the splitting up of smaller branches or yards within a main farm.
Editing Division nameYou can edit a division name after it has been created
Assign a Horse to a DivisionYou can assign a horse in your EquiTrace account to a Division
Move a Horse between DivisionsYou can move a horse from one division on your EquiTrace account to another
View list of horses in each divisionYou can view a list of horses in each division on your farm by following the steps below.
Divisions SwitcherIn order to switch between divisions simply select the pie icon on the top left hand corner of the home screen of the app.
Manage Users assigned to Divisions - AccessTo manage users you must be the farm/ account owner.
Assign a user to multiple DivisionsTo manage users you must be the farm/ account owner.
Remove a users access to a DivisionTo manage users you must be the farm/ account owner.
Create Divisions on my account in EquiTraceThe farm/ account owner can create or add a division within a farm
Delete a Division from my account in EquiTraceYou can delete a division from your EquiTrace Farm account