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Getting Started with Procedures
Getting Started with Procedures

Let's get started with Procedures, find out how to use the to make your operation more stream lined.

Written by Lorna Moore
Updated over a month ago

Learn how to schedule and record a procedure, edit or cancel procedures, add a custom procedure or edit or delete notes.

How to Schedule a Procedure

On the home screen of EquiTrace select the Procedures button.
On the next screen, press the Select Procedure button where you will be able to select the procedure you wish to schedule from the drop-down list.

1. Select type of Procedure

You can choose from Vet Exam, Farriery, Dental, Endoscopy, Ultrasound, Bloodwork, Foal Exam, Foal IgG, Xray, Shockwave, Surgery, Vet inspection or Other. Select your desired procedure and then press the Schedule Procedure button.

2. Choose Horses

You will then be brought to the Choose Horses page.
You may search for your horse by name or filter by Foals, Yearlings, 2y olds, 3y+, Males, Geldings or Females. You may also sort by Name, Dam, Year or Barn. If you have one horse to select search for this and select it. If you have a number of horses to select, search and select by your desired filter. If you choose one group for example 2y olds you may then select the Add all horses below button. A pop up will appear. You must confirm this is the number of horses you wish to schedule a procedure for. If you want to add more select the Add More button. Once you are happy with your selection of horses press the Next button.

3. Select a time and date

You will be brought to your next page where you can select the date and time of when you would like to schedule the procedure for. You can add the scheduled procedure to the schedule of All, Dentist, Vet, Staff, Farrier or Clear depending on which list you would like this procedure to appear on.

4. Scheduling Repeats

If you wish to schedule a repeat of this procedure then you can select Repeat Once in X days, weeks or years. You may also choose Repeat Every in days, weeks or years.

5. Confirm your scheduled Procedure data

Once you select the Next button, you will be brought to a review screen where you will be shown each horse that has been added to the scheduled list and the date of the scheduled procedure. You may remove the horses if desired. Once you select ‘Confirm’ your procedure has been scheduled.

View and Manage Horse Notes

You can view and manage notes that have been created for a horse from the horse's profile. On the EquiTrace App home screen select Find Horse.

Select the horse you wish to manage notes for and you will be brought to the horse's profile. You can select Add/Edit notes on your horses profile to view previously recorded notes, add additional notes related to this horse and edit or delete any previously created notes.

Edit or Delete a Note

To edit or delete a previously created note; swipe across to the left on the note you wish to manage. Select the red trashcan button if you wish to delete the note (once deleted, the note will then appear with a strike through line and the user, date and time it was deleted). Select the blue pencil button to edit your note (the note will appear with the user, date and time that the note was edited).

Traceability of Edited or Deleted Notes

The notes act as a ledger and any note that is deleted or edited will be marked with a date/timestamp of when the note was deleted or edited and by what user. A deleted note will remain on the list of notes but it will have a strike-through across the note.

How to Record a Procedure

1. Select the type of Procedure

On the home screen select the Procedures button.
Once you select procedures, you will be brought to the procedure screen where you can choose to schedule or record a procedure. You must first select what type of a procedure you would like to schedule. You may choose from the drop down list available and select if the procedure you would like to record is: Vet Exam, Farriery, Dental, Endoscopy, Ultrasound, Blood work, Foal Exam, Foal IgG, X-Ray, Shockwave, Surgery, Vet Inspection or Other.

2. Select the Date and Time of the Procedure

You will then be brought to a page where you must choose the date and time your procedure was performed. You can also backdate a procedure by selecting the date you wish to backdate to. You can also input the Vet who performed the procedure and who entered the record. This will be auto-populated with the username.

3. Choose Horses

Next, you will be brought to the Choose Horses page. Here you must choose your horses. You may search your desired horses name or filter by Foals, Yearlings, 2yo olds, 3y+, Males, Geldings or Females. You may also sort by Name, Dam, Year and Barn.

Once you have chosen your desired horses (if you choose all of a specific filter you may choose ‘Add all horses below’), a popup will appear and you will confirm if you are happy with this list of chosen horses or if you wish to add more. Once you are happy with the animals you have chosen, you must then select ‘Next’.

4. Record Procedure Details

You will then be brought to the ‘Record Procedure’ page. You have the option to choose between ‘Same result for each horse’ or ‘Different result for each horse’ (if you are recording a procedure for multiple horses). If you are recording the same result for each horse you will be brought to Record X Procedure page where you can input the result of the procedure. If you are recording a different result for each horse you will be brought through each horse and asked to input a result for each horse separately.

5. Confirm your recorded Procedure data

When completed you will be brought to the final stage where you can review your procedure and amend it where needed. When you are happy with all details you may select ‘Confirm’ and the procedure will be saved.

Editing a scheduled procedure

Can I edit a Scheduled Procedure

In order to edit the details of a procedure that you have scheduled for a horse, on the home screen of your EquiTrace app, select the top Find Horse button. You will then have a full list of your horses on this screen. You may filter this screen by Name, Barn, Dam, and Recent. You can also search by horse name. Once you select the correct horse you will open their profile. Select the Procedure button. Scheduled procedures will appear here. You must select the Edit button.

Editing a Scheduled Procedure

When you select edit you will be brought to a pop up where you may choose to edit the date, time, repeats (if applicable) and what staff schedules to add the procedure to. Once you are happy with your changes select the Confirm button and the procedure will be edited to your changes.

Cancel a scheduled procedure

Can I cancel a Scheduled Procedure?

In order to cancel a scheduled procedure, you can select scheduling on the home screen. On the scheduling diary, go to the date the procedure is scheduled for and select the horse you would like to cancel a procedure for. Once you select the horse, you will be taken to their profile. You may also search on the home screen of your EquiTrace by selecting the top Find Horse. You will then have a full list of your horses on this screen. You may filter this screen by Name, Barn, Dam, Recent. You can also search by horse name. Once you select the horse, you will be taken to their profile.

Cancelling a currently due Scheduled Procedure

If the procedure is currently due a pop up will appear with the scheduled procedure. You may select the Stop or Given’ button on the pop up In order to cancel a procedure, select the Stop button. When you select the Stop button another popup will appear asking do you to confirm that you want to Stop Procedure. You will select yes if you would like to cancel the scheduled procedure. Once you select Yes, the scheduled procedure will be cancelled.

Cancelling a Scheduled Procedure that is in the future

If the procedure is scheduled in the future, once on the horse profile you can select the Procedures button and then select the Cancel button on the scheduled procedure you wish to cancel. A pop will appear for you to confirm if you want to cancel this procedure. Once you select Yes, the scheduled procedure will be cancelled.

How to add a Custom Procedure

Can I add my own Custom Procedure

On the EquiTrace app home screen select the Procedures button. Once you select procedures, you will be brought to the procedure screen where you can schedule or record a procedure. You must first select what type of procedure you would like to schedule or record. You may choose between: Vet Exam, Farriery, Dental, Endoscopy, Ultrasound, Blood work, Foal Exam, Foal IgG, X-Ray, Shockwave, Surgery, Vet Inspection or Other.

Creating a Custom Procedure

If the procedure you wish to record or schedule is not on this drop down list and you wish to record or schedule a Custom Procedure, select Other. Here you must input the name of the Procedure name you wish to create. Once created, if you wish to record a procedure select Record Procedure and if you wish to schedule this procedure select Schedule Procedure.

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