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Breeding Exams

Here is our full guide on how to complete specific breeding exams in EquiTrace.

Written by Christine O'Donnell
Updated over a month ago

Manage all of your horse breeding lists and tasks

What is a Repro U/S exam?

A Repro U/S check in the EquiTrace App is a reproductive ultrasound exam. To complete a repro U/S check, your mare must be marked as a Mare/Filly and have a date of birth entered, making her over 2 years old. You can add or adjust this information using the Edit Details button on your horse's profile.

How to complete a Repro U/S exam

To complete a Repro U/S check, you can select the Find Horse button on the App Home Screen and search for your mare; once you have found yourick on her name, chosen mare, cl, and you will be taken to her profile.

Select the Reproductive Data and Exam button, and if you have not yet set your mares status, you can do this on the Mare Data screens. Once this has been saved, the next time you click the Reproductive Data and Exam button, a Repro U/S exam will appear if this is the check due for your mare based on her current cycle status.

If your mare is on the Mares to Checklist, please select Mare Management from the Home Screen and then select Mares to Checklist. The following steps apply whether you complete a Repro U/S check individual profile or from the Mares to Checklist.

What will I see when I perform a Repro U/S exam on EquiTrace?

Once you select the check, a popup will appear. In it, you can input the Veterinarian performing the exam and then select "done." If you do not wish to enter the Veterinarian performing the exam, select "cancel" and proceed with the Repro U/S exam.

The first screen you will see is the left ovary. You have three options to choose from to record for an ovary. Size, Consistency, and others. When recording size, you can choose from the following options: no activity, Small Multiple Folicles, or multiple Folicles.

You can choose the size of your follicles and record if they are in mm, cm or exact. You may also choose a custom size by typing into the free text box. If you have multiple follicles of the same size, simply tap the box more than once. The maximum number of follicles per size is 3.

The following description options are available for consistency: firm, soft, very soft, tender, painful, or enter text. You can edit these terms to your own specifications through Mare Management > Settings > Edit Terms. Thet, but you can edit and adjust them as need terms are preseed.

Other options are as follows: Possible, Regressing, Hemorrhagic, Anovulatory, Ovulation, Corpus Hemorrhagicum, Corpus Lutem, and Old Cortus Lutem. You may also enter free text into the box below these options for custom notes. As with consistency, you can also edit these terms as needed.

To proceed to the right ovary, select the right ovary. This is so that you know all details can be bypassed without input should you wish to do so. Once the right ovary has been completed, you may progress to Uterus/Cervix.

Here, you may complete the following: Input Cysts on a Cyst Map, take photos of any cysts present and attach them to records. You may also input from 0-4+ Uterine Edema and 0-4+ for Cervix. You may also select uterine fluid, where you can record the quantity, location, and echogenicity.

Can I add treatments when I perform a Repro U/S Exam?

Following this, you can select treatments and input a treatment.

If you wish to schedule a recheck, select recheck in the top right corner, where you can choose how many days you would like to recheck this mare. You may also choose not to recheck. You may also select diagnostics or schedule AI/Natural Cover.

Diagnostics include CEM Swab, Cervical Swab, Endometrial Swab, Cytology, Uterine Biopsy, EIA Blood, EVA Blood, Hematology, Biochemistry, Seru, Amyloid A, Progesterone Assay. When you confirm your recheck date and are happy that all the information you have input is correct, then you can just select done. All treatments and reproductive data recorded will be available collectively in horse notes.

How to complete an Ovulation Check

An Ovulation check can be performed by following the steps below.

When is an Ovulation Check available for a horse?

When a mare is due for an ovulation check you can follow the steps below to record. If you have your mare on a Mares to Checklist, please select Mare Management from the Home Screen and then select Mares to Checklist. Select the Mare from the list and record your ovulation check.

How do I add my mare for an Ovulation Check?

If your mare has not been added to a mares to checklist, you can add her and then select Reproductive data and exam. Once you select this, a popup will appear. If desired, you may input the Veterinarian name performing the exam and then select "done." If you do not wish to input the veterinarian performing the exam, select "cancel" to enter and proceed with recording the ovulation check.

Next, you will be brought to the Ovulation screen. Select "Ovulated" or "Not Ovulated." If you select "ovulated," you may also select a time when this happened. You may also enter the text below.

You have the option of selecting Caslicks, Ovary scan, or schedule AI/cover. If you select Caslicks, you may select sutured, which is the suture used (stapled or glued). If you select Ovary scan, you will be brought back to a Reproduction U/S, which you can see how to record HERE. Next, you have the option to select treatments and input a treatment.

Can I add my mare for recheck after the Ovulation Check?

If you wish to recheck, select recheck in the top right corner, where you can choose how many days you would like to recheck this horse. You may also choose not to recheck. If applicable, you can also record diagnostics performed during this exam.

When you confirm your recheck date and are happy that all the information you have input is correct, then you can just select done. All treatments and reproductive data recorded will be available collectively in horse notes.

How to set up a mare for Breeding

For a mare to have a reproductive exam performed, she must be set up for breeding. She must be 2 years old or older and a Female.

What must you do to set up a mare before recording her first reproductive exam?

To start recording breeding data for a mare, you must first ensure that the mare's details are set up for reproduction. She must be marked as female (Mare/Filly) and have a date of birth that makes her over two years old.

You can edit this on the individual horse profile by selecting the edit details button. Once these details are saved, a Reproductive Data and Exam button will appear on her profile.

When you click this, you will be asked to set up her data, where you can choose if she is maiden, covered, or other. Based on her cycle status, the appropriate check will appear once her Mare Data have been recorded and saved.

How to complete a Heartbeat Check

You can perform a Heartbeat scan Mid-pregnancy to keep track of your horse's pregnancy.

How to do a Heartbeat Check on a Mare

When a mare is due for a heartbeat check, you can follow the steps below to record. If you have your mare on a Mares to Checklist, please select Mare Management from the Home Screen and then select Mares to Checklist. Select the Mare from the list and record your heartbeat check.

If your mare has not been added to a mares to checklist, you can add her by following the steps HERE or search for your mare by name on the Find Horse button select the horse's profile and then select Reproductive data and exam.

Once you select this, a popup will appear. You can input the Veterinarian performing the exam if you'd like and then select done. If you do not wish to be entered as the Veterinarian performing the exam, select "cancel" and proceed with the Reproductive exam.

What do you see when you are brought to the Heart Beat Screen?

Next, you will be brought to the Heart Beat Scan screen. Here, you will select whether you are pregnant or not. You will then select Heart Beat Detected or No Heartbeat Detected. You can then input the Heart Rate bpm, and below this, you have the option to enter any additional notes.

Once you have selected if your horse has a pregnancy with a Heartbeat or no Heart Beat, you can select treatments and input a treatment, if required. On the next screen, if you wish to schedule a recheck for this mare, select recheck in the top right corner, where you can choose how many days you would like to recheck this horse. You may also choose not to recheck.

If applicable you can also record diagnostics performed in this exam. When you confirm your recheck date and are happy with all the information you have input is correct, then select done. All treatments and reproductive data recorded will be available collectively in horse notes to view.

How do you complete a Mid-Pregnancy check on a mare?

When a mare is due for a mid-pregnancy check you can follow the steps below to record. If you have your mare on a Mares to Checklist, please select Mare Management from the Home Screen and then select Mares to Checklist. Select the Mare from the list and record your heartbeat check.

If your mare has not been added to mares to the checklist, you can add her by following the steps HERE or searching for your button, selecting the horse's profile, mare by name oning the Find Horse, and then select Reproductive data and exam.

Once you select this, a popup will appear. If desired, you may input the Veterinarian performing the exam and then select "done."If you do not wish to be entered as the Veterinarian performing the exam, select "cancel" and proceed with the Reproductive exam.

What can I view when doing a Mid-Pregnancy Scan?

Next, you will be brought to the Mid Pregnancy Scan screen. Here, you will be able to complete a Fetal Sexing check, Ultrasound Exam, Palpation exam, or Abortion exam. If you select Fetal Sexing you will be brought to the next screen where you can record the exam.

You can select Transrectal or Trans Abdominal, whether male, female, or undetermined. You may also input the veterinarian completing the exam and the time/date of completion. If you wish to complete an Ultrasound, you will be brought to this screen once you select the Ultrasound button.

You can select Transrectal or Trans Abdominal exam, CTUP, Placenta in mm, and the Fetal HR bpm, and you can also input a description. If you are completing a Palpation, select Palpation, and you will be brought to the Palpation exam screen, where you can select Pregnant or Not Pregnant.

You can also select Fetal Movement or No Movement and add notes. If you are performing an Abortion exam, select Abortion, where you can record the Date/Time, whether Submitted to the Lab or Not Submitted, If the Placenta was Passed or Retained, and you may enter notes below.

You then must select the next button where you can input treatment post-abortion if necessary. If applicable you can also record diagnostics performed in this exam. When you confirm if you would like to schedule a recheck, you can confirm the date, and once you are happy with all the information you have input, it is correct. Then select done. All treatments and reproductive data recorded will be available collectively in horse notes.

Complete a Late Pregnancy Check

Record Foaling, Physical Development, Stitch Foaling Alarm, Open Caslicks, Palpation, Ultrasound Exam, Fetal ECG or Abortion. When a mare is due for a late pregnancy check you can follow these steps.

If you have your mare on a mares to checklist please select Mare Management from the Home Screen then select mares to the checklist. You will then be able to complete your reproductive exam here.

If your mare has not been added to a mares to check list, you can add her by following the steps HERE or search mare by name on the find horse button, select the horse's profile, and then select Reproductive data and exam. Once you select this a popup will appear. You may input the Veterinarian performing the exam if desired and then select done. If you do not wish to enter the Veterinarian performing the exam then select cancel and proceed with the Reproductive exam.

Choose the type of Late Pregnancy Check

Next, you will be brought to the Late Pregnancy Scan screen.

Here you can choose between the following options; Foaling, Physical Development, Stitch Foaling Alarm, Open Caslicks, Palpation, Ultrasound Exam, Fetal ECG or Abortion. When you select Foaling you can select Foaling Now or Foaled Previously.

If you select Foaling Now you can input the time started, waters broken, time foaled, if assistance was needed and additional details. Once you have input these details select foal where you may record if the foal is a Colt or Filly. You may also record the time of when the foal sits up, stood up and nursed as well as their weight and additional details.

You can also record if the placenta has been passed or retained by selecting Placenta on the bottom right-hand side of the screen. You may input the date/time, weight and whether the placenta is Normal or Abnormal. If you wish to record if the mare foaled previously, you must select Foaled Previously.

Here you may select if the mare foaled today, yesterday or a custom date. You can record if it was a colt or a filly. You may input who the foal’s sire is, the weight of the foal and additional notes if desired. You can also record if the placenta has been passed or retained by selecting Placenta on the bottom right-hand side of the screen. You may input the date/time, weight and whether the placenta is Normal or Abnormal.

If you wish to complete a physical exam in late pregnancy, select Physical exam. Here you can input details in relation to Udder and Vulva. Udder development can be described as Good, Some, None. The wax present can be described as Morning Only, All the time, or no. Vulva relaxing may be described as Yes or No.

If you are completing a Foal Alarm exam, you must select foal alarm; here, you will select the place, the type of alarm used, and the suture used. You can also add additional notes if you'd like. Then select Done.

If you wish to open caslicks and record, select open caslicks. Here you will be brought to a screen where you can select Opened. You can add treatment here if you'd like. Once complete. Select done.

To complete a palpation, select Palpation. Here you will be brought to the Palpation screen where you may record Pregnant or Not Pregnant. You may also select Fetal Movement or No Movement. Below this you can enter notes where required. Once you are done select recheck for when you would like the mare to be rechecked next.

If you wish to complete an Ultrasound you will be brought to this screen once you select it. You can select Trans rectal or Trans Abdominal exam, CTUP, Placenta in mm, the Fetal HR bpm and also input a description.

To input a Fetal ECG select Fetal ECG and you will be brought to the page to input details. You may input the Fetal Heart Rate and you may input the maternal Heart Rate. Below this you can enter notes where required. Once you are done select recheck for when you would like the mare to be rechecked next.

If you are performing a post Abortion exam within late pregnancy select Abortion where you can record the Date/Time, Submitted to Lab or Not Submitted, if the Placenta was Passed or Retained and you may enter notes below.

Once completed, select Finished.

How to complete a Post Foaling check

You may complete a post-foaling check and record details of the mare's state, such as whether the Placenta was passed, whether the tags were present or retained.

Completing a Post-Foaling Check

When a mare is due for a post-foaling check, you can follow the steps below to record. If you have your mare on a mare to checklist, please select Mare Management from the home page, then select Mares to checklist. You will then be able to complete your reproductive exam here.

If your mare has not been added to mares to checklist, you can add her by following the steps HERE or search mare by name on the find horse button, select the horse's profile and then select Reproductive data and exam.

Recording the Data

Once you select this, a popup will appear. You can input the Veterinarian performing the exam if you'd like and then select done. If you do not wish to enter the Veterinarian performing the exam, then select cancel and proceed with the Reproductive exam.

Next, you will be brought to the Post Foaling screen. Here, you can select if Placenta wasesent, Passed, Tags Pr or Retained. You may also select if the Uterus was Involuted, Some Involution, or Not Involuted. You can also go ahead and input your own notes below. You may complete an ovary scan or administer treatments if required.

Scheduling a Recheck

Once you are done, select recheck for when you would like the mare to be rechecked next.

Completing a Post Abortion Check

When a mare is due for a post-abortion check, you can follow the steps below to record. If you have your mare on a Mares to checklist, please select Mare Management from the home page, then select Mares to Checklist.

Just so you know, you will then be able to complete your check here. If your mare has not been added to mares to checklist, you can add her by following the steps HERE or search mare by name on the find horse button, select the horse's profile and then select Reproductive data and exam.

Once you select this, a popup will appear. You can input the Veterinarian performing the exam if you'd like and then select done. If you do not wish to enter the Veterinarian performing the exam, then select cancel and proceed with the Reproductive exam.

Recording the Data

You will then be brought to the post Abortion exam within late pregnancy., where you can record the Date/Time, Submitted to Lab or Not Submitted, If the Placenta was Passed or Retained, Select Abortion and you may enter notes below. You may complete an ovary scan or administer treatments if required. Once you are done, select recheck for when you would like the mare to be rechecked next.

Completing an Embryo Flush

When a mare is due for an embryo flush you can follow the steps below to record. If you have your mare on the Embryo Flush list please select Mare Management from the home page then select Embryo Flush list. You will then be able to record your Embryo Flush here.

If your mare has not been added to Embryo Flush list you can add her by following the steps HERE or search mare by name on the find horse button and select the horse's profile and then select Reproductive data and exam. You will initially be brought to a Repro U/S check of left and right Ovary. You can see how to complete that HERE.

Once you have completed these screens, you will be brought to the embryo flush screen. To complete an embryo flush you can input the Fluid used in the text box. Then below you can input the Fluid Volume, Cellularity and Quality. You can also input if Fluid was Cultured, Nothing Recovered, Embryo Recovered or Unfertilized Ova Recovered.

Assigning a Recipient

Below this, you may select a recipient to receive the embryo provided they are in the correct state to receive an embryo. Next you will be brought to the embryo screen where you will be able to input details on each embryo flushed. Days since ovulation will be auto-calculated and already present.

Below you may input the vet performing the procedure, the embryo grade from 1 to 4, if the embryo is Morula, Early Blastcyst, Blastocyst, you may input the size of the embryo as well as additional notes below. To assign a recipient to this embryo flush select the 'Assign Recipient' box below the text box. A recipient that is in the correct reproductive state and is ready to receive an embryo will appear here.You may select the recipient here. If there are multiple embryos, repeat the above process. Once you have completed your embryos select Done.

Treatments, Diagnostics and Recheck

Next you can select treatments and input a treatment. On the next screen after treatments, If you wish to recheck, select recheck in the top right corner, where you can choose how many days you would like to recheck this horse. You can input diagnostics if required. You may also choose not to recheck.

Embryo Transfer Process in EquiTrace

When a mare is due for an embryo transfer you can follow the steps below to record.

If you have your mare on a mare to checklist, please select Mare Management from the home page, then select Embryo Transfer list. You will then be able to complete your Embryo Transfer here.

If your mare has not been added to the Embryo Transfer list you can add her by following the steps HERE or search mare by name on the find horse button and select the horse's profile and then select Reproductive data and exam.

Record Embryo Transfer Data

Once you select this, a popup will appear. You may input the Veterinarian performing the exam if desired and then select done. If you do not wish to enter the Veterinarian performing the exam then select cancel and proceed with recording the Embryo Transfer.Following this, you will be brought to the ET-Recipient screen. Here you must input the stallion and mare.

Assigning a Recipient to a Mare

If the recipient is already assigned to a mare, this mare will auto-populate into the mare box and the embryo grade assigned to this mare from previous records. Select if it is Embryo transfer or ICSI. You may also grade the embryo from 1 to 5.

You may complete an ovary scan or administer treatments if required.

Scheduling a Recheck

Once you are done, you may schedule a recheck for when you would like the mare to be rechecked next.

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