Here you will learn how to manage your notifications for treatments such as turning on, turning off, removing notifications and view scheduled notifcations.
Where to do I find where to turn on treatment notifications within EquiTrace?
You can set treatment notifications by selecting Other Features on the home screen. Here you will be brought to the other features page, where you can select the Set Treatment Notifications button. You will be brought to the Treatment Notifications page. On this page you have several options to edit your Treatment Notifications. You have 4 sections with options to change and adjust. The first is App notification 10 mins before Treatment is Due. You may turn this Off or On.
How do I turn on App Notifications for Treatments Missed?
Secondly is App Notification X mins after Treatment Missed. You may adjust the amount of minutes in this box and Turn this On or Off. If you have it turned on you can edit the time adjustment. For treatments scheduled for 60+ Days you may turn on or off email notifications. You can input the email your would like the notifications to be sent to. You can also turn on or off the app notifications in this tab. Lastly, you can send notifications before due dates. You can select a first reminder, second reminder and third reminder. When you turn these reminders on your can edit the number days before the due date for a notification to appear.
How do I edit treatment notifications?
How do I find where to edit Treatment Notifications?
You can edit treatment notifications by selecting Other Features on the home screen. Here you will be brought to the other features page where you can select the Set Treatment Notifications button. You will be brought to the Treatment Notifications page. On this page you have several options to edit your Treatment Notifications. You have 4 sections with options to change and adjust. The first is App notification 10 mins before Treatment Due. You may turn this Off or On.
How do I turn on Notifications for Treatments missed?
Secondly is App Notification X mins after Treatment Missed. You may adjust the amount of minutes in this box and Turn this On or Off. If you have it turned on you can edit the time adjustment. For treatments scheduled for 60+ Days you may turn on or off email notifications. You can input the email your would like the notifications to be sent to. You can also turn on or off the app notifications in this tab. Lastly, you can send notifications before due dates. You can select a first reminder, second reminder and third reminder. When you turn these reminders on you can edit the number days before the due date for a notification to appear. Adjust accordingly and select Done.
How do I remove treatment notifications?
Where can I turn off my treatment notifications?
You can remove treatment notifications by turning them off in your treatment settings. Select Other Features on the home screen. You will be brought to the Other Features page. Select the Set Treatment Notifications button. Here you will see several buttons where you can select on or off. Depending on what treatment notifications you would like to remove, adjust accordingly to turn them off and select Done.
How do I view my scheduled notifications?
Where can I view scheduled notifications?
You can view scheduled notifications by selecting Other Features on the home screen. You will be brought to the Other Features page. Select the Scheduled Notifications button. Here you will be brought to your scheduled notifications where you can view, edit and remove notifications as required.