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How to complete a Repro U/S check
How to complete a Repro U/S check

To complete a Repro U/S Check you can record details on EquiTrace you must follow the instructions below.

Written by Christine O'Donnell
Updated over 5 months ago

What is a Repro U/S exam?

A Repro U/S check in the EquiTrace App is a reproductive ultrasound exam.

In order to complete a repro U/S check, your mare must be marked as a Mare/Filly and have a date of birth entered making her over 2 years old. You can add or adjust this information by using the Edit Details button on your horse's profile.

How to complete a Repro U/S exam

To complete a Repro U/S check you can select the Find Horse button on the App Home Screen and search for your mare, once you have found your chosen mare, click on her name and you will be taken to her profile.

Select the Reproductive Data and Exam button and if you have not yet set your mares status you can do this on the Mare Data screens. Once this has been saved the next time you click the Reproductive Data and Exam button a Repro U/S exam will appear if this is the check that is due for your mare based on her current cycle status.

If you have your mare on the Mares to Check list, please select Mare Management from the Home Screen and then select Mares to Check list.

Whether you are completing a Repro U/S check from the mares individual profile or from the Mares to Check list, the following steps apply.

What will I see when I perform a Repro U/S exam on EquiTrace?

Once you select the check, a popup will appear where you may input the Veterinarian performing the exam and then select done.

If you do not wish to enter the Veterinarian performing the exam then select cancel and proceed with the Repro U/S exam.

The first screen you will see is the left ovary. You have three options to choose from to record for an ovary. Size, Consistency and other.

When recording size you can choose from the following options. No activity, Small Multiple Follicles, Mulitple Follicles.

You can choose the size of your follicles and record if they are in mm, cm or exact.

You may also choose a custom size by typing into the free text box. If you have multiple follicles of the same size simply tap the box more than once. 3 is a maximum amount of follicles per size.

Description options for consistency are as follows; firm, soft, very soft, tender, painful or enter text. These terms can be edited to your own terms through Mare Management > Settings > Edit Terms. The terms are preset but you can edit and adjust as required.

Other options are as follows; Possible, Regressing, Hemorrhagic, Anovulatory, Ovulation, Corpus Hemorrhagicum, Corpus Lutem and Old Cortus Lutem. You may also enter free text into the box below these options for custom notes. As with consistency, you may also edit these terms as required.

To proceed to the right ovary select right ovary. It should be noted all details can be bypassed without input should you wish to do so.

Once the right ovary has been completed you may progress to Uterus/Cervix.

Here you may complete the following; Input Cysts on a Cyst Map, take photos of any cysts present and attach to records. You may also input from 0-4+ Uterine Edema as well as 0-4+ for Cervix.

You may also select Uterine fluid where you can record the quantity as well as location and echogenicity.

Can I add treatments when I perform a Repro U/S Exam?

Following this you can select treatments and input a treatment.

If you wish to schedule a recheck select recheck in the top right corner where you can choose in how many days you would like to recheck this mare. You may also choose not to recheck.

You may also select diagnostics or schedule AI/Natural Cover.

Diagnostics include CEM Swab, Cervical Swab, Endometrial Swab, Cytology, Uterine Biopsy, EIA Blood, EVA Blood, Hematology, Biochemistry, Seru, Amyloid A, Progesterone Assay.

When you confirm your recheck date and happy with all information you have input is correct then select done.

All treatments and reproductive data recorded will be available collectively in horse notes to view.

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