A show organiser Show can set up health requirements such as Vaccinations, Health Certification, Coggins, Temperatures and Health Declarations.
You can set health requirements for your venue which will then automatically become the default requirements for shows you create at your venue.
If a particular show has different requirements you can create different health requirements and set these for this specific show.
In this article you will see how to create and set Vaccination Requirements.
How to create Vaccination Requirements:
On your EquiTrace show organiser web portal, you can click on Requirements on the left hand panel and then select All Requirements.
You will see 5 options to choose from.
Click Add under the health requirement you wish to create.
Create Vaccination Requirements:
Click Add under Vaccinations and you will be taken to the page to create your vaccination requirements.
As per USEF rule GR844, vaccines for Influenza, EHV-1 and EHV-4 are required and will be preselected for you.
You can then select what time period of show arrival these vaccines must be given. The options are 6 months or 180 days.
You can select the minimum time before the show arrival that these vaccines can be given. The options are No Restriction, 7 days or 14 days.
You can choose if a vaccine expires during a show, does a horse needs a new one before the show. The options are Yes or No.
If you require additional vaccinations, you can select Yes and choose from these options. If select one or more additional vaccines then an email will be sent to USEF for approval of this additional requirement.
Next you can select which venues you would like this Vaccine requirement to be applied to. You can select one or multiples depending on how many venues your organisation has.
Finally, you can name this set of requirements. There is a default name created for you which will include the date but you have to the option to edit this as necessary.
Click save to save this vaccination requirement!